10/16/2018 So Cube number 4 is coming back to open a space time portal, yes we are still here man just celebrated 30 year anniversary of NeXT . So I much I need to say stay tuned !
page14.html 5/5/2015 Boson Torpedo it is October 12, 2088 , we have successfully fired up your NeXT Cube on the 100th anniversary to Black Hole, Incorporated headquarters , Rob Blessin, we need your help so channel this story and think it through , write it out, it is bound to go viral.
The meanies have taken over in 2088, they have banned and declared war against fun of all kinds globally including cartoons, music , movies , video games, vacations and anything to do with Disney, Pixar, Sony, Universal Studios, Warner Brothers , Apple , Microsoft, Samsung, IBM , Google , Yahoo, Facebook , Amazon and EBay networks like ABC, NBC and CBS ESPN all sports no longer allowed are being shut down for starters everything is going down. Our Earth is in really bad shape as well I'm sending this message back in hopes you and the people of Earth will turn it around work together to find solutions . Advance Education Learning, Medicine and above all bring back fun.
Boson Torpedo, this is Rob Blessin copy I'm on it sounds like we need to assemble an army of the best in entertainment using the best of technology and best of all the people of Earth to turn things around for the future generations because we want them to have fun in life to, like when I helped integrate the computers used to make the movie Space Jam or reverse engineered the Hubble computers for NASA or fixed Tim Berners Lee's computer up for use at the Olympics in London in 2012 or helped set up the systems for the secret project below. I'm just the guy to do it and the NeXT Community heck Earthlings and Toons will be on my side! We are screaming back your challenge is accepted. I'll be working on this in my spare time!
5/14//2015 Rest in Peace B.B. king , I saw him play with Albert King at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins years ago, one heck of a show.
As far as stuff being shut down Boson , LOL all I can say is there is an awful lot of crap being made on the market that will not last until next year let alone 2088. Example my Bissell Vacuum basically went haywire when Lisa plugged it in sparks flying . This was due to the cord shorting out but what was unnerving was it should have tripped the GFCI, which was installed by a certified "electrician" ; so the house has electrical gremlins. My car the 2002 Toyota Solara fortunately I had a feeling something was about to go call it a tremor in the alignment and thought I should check. Turns out the 80,000 mile Goodyear tires which were getting shredded after only 30,000 miles an obvious problem with the camber and alignment. It turns out after Lisa had the accident ~ 3 years ago and subsequent frame straightening basically a complete overhaul of the brakes , cv's, boots and suspension the one thing Just Brakes didn't do was an alignment . So going to Brakes Plus with their cool high end computerized alignment machine uncovered the problem the culprit a bent rear strut . So you guessed it what I thought may just be free tire rotation has no turned into a second tire covered under road hazard warantee , to new tires and a spiffy new alignment with proper fix guesstimate is north of $600 . In driving the Jeep which my other roommate Todd had been using he basically has driven it into the ground so to enhance my calmness BOSON , I'm writing and by all means keep the rain on California as they need it , we have had enough here in the last few weeks. NeXT sales are going good so it helps me keep pace with bills , it would really help a lot if my roommates contributed monetarily , peace until next time!
Author Message Rob Blessin Black Hole Site Admin Joined: 05 Sep 2006 Posts: 267 Location: Ft. Collins, Colorado Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 9:51 pm Post subject: Woman tosses Apple computer that turns out to be worth $200K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello NeXT Community: I hope they find her! On another note I am out of the hospital 5/30/2015 and I'll be taking it easy this week and try and keep pace with NeXT orders as I want to fully recover from Hypoxia / Pneumonia. It seems like everything in the world is becoming so fast paced that sometimes we just need to take a step back and breath , relax as "our health is most important" in the long run. So I'm going to be on Oxygen with a tank for the next year , It'll take some getting use to but it is already helping as now I'm well over 90% oxygen levels. As it been a rough week for me Hypoxia, Pneumonia add in Arthritis and the crazy monsoon weather , it has been off the chain keeping it together lol. Man getting older, I'm learning is a journey , thankful to you all for the job of helping to keep the NeXT dream alive. I really appreciate it because with my current state of health, it gives me an opportunity to work from home through it all and I truly remain positive about life and work in the face of health adversity . I really enjoy helping people, friends and customers in the NeXT community out and feel fortunate to keep these great old NeXT computers running as they to are showing signs of aging some more than others lol. Thanks to you all it is keeping the lights on here at blackholeinc.com , computerpowwow ebay and nextcomputers.org as well . We are getting a lot of new forum members , welcome aboard which is fun as well ! Here is a fun article I found for enjoyment and remember our NeXT's are just as cool : Best Regards Rob Blessin Woman tosses Apple computer that turns out to be worth $200K From Associated Press May 30, 2015 9:47 PM EST MILPITAS, Calif. (AP) — Her electronic waste is someone else's treasure. A recycling center in the Silicon Valley is looking for a woman who dropped off an old Apple computer that turned out to be a collectible item worth $200,000. The computer was inside boxes of electronics that she had cleaned out from her garage after her husband died, said Victor Gichun, the vice president of Clean Bay Area. She didn't want a tax receipt or leave her contact information, and it wasn't until a few weeks later that workers opened the boxes to discover an Apple I computer inside. The San Jose Mercury News reports (HTTP://bayareane.ws/1QiwrkE) it was one of only about 200 first-generation desktop computers assembled by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne in 1976. "We really couldn't believe our eyes. We thought it was fake," Gichun told KNTV-TV. The recycling firm sold the Apple I for $200,000 to a private collection, and because the company gives 50 percent of items sold back to the original owner, Gichun said he wants to split the proceeds with the mystery donor. He said he remembers what she looks like and is asking her to come back to claim her $100,000 check. "To prove who she is," Gichun said, "I just need to look at her." _________________ Rob Blessin President computerpowwow ebay sales@blackholeinc.com HTTP://www.blackholeinc.com 303-741-9998 Serving the NeXT Community since 2/9/93
3/13/2017 I’m back LOL , Re-purpose International Space Station to stable position moon at Lagrangian point instead of crash landing space junk in general , its already up there why not re-purpose it for use on the moon a kind of scrap recycling yard for the better stuff on the moon would make sense to me verse burning it up, if it is possible.
5/7/2017 I just hope for people to be nice to each other , so when it doubt go retro and activate waybackmachine to the worlds longest web blog at black hole TIMEWARP
5/8/2017 Lots of Storms about today ,so I've learned a lot from my customers through the years the other day . I had a good chat with John Pratt , he was just calling in to talk about NeXT and other things. A cool chap indeed and talking about the lore of this NeXT business always makes me smile, I've been entrenched in all these years. He also talked aboutChinese practice of Falun Dafa. it is great stuff and I'm trying it out!
As time passes , my health on days like today is affected because of Rheumatoid Arthritis and other ailments like the NeXT computers I to am aging. So I've made an effort to become more proactive about repairing an maintaining them. We've been replacing capacitors and using scsi2sd's the replace the failing hard drives. The NeXTcomputers.org forums also has benefited and I've enjoyed being a system administrator for the site lots of cool projects, feel free to join up! I also have a Rob Blessin You Tube channel you can see a lot of the cool NeXT projects I've been working on!.
5/23/2017 So a note to my future self I have joined an initiative to become immortal by 2045 cool stuff man you all should join up as well.
8/21/2017 11:43 I'm writing as a near Total eclipse has turned Day into night to say the our current President Donald J Trump , I'm quite convinced will go down as the worst President in the history of this great country the United States of America for so many reasons it is crazy! The lunatics are in charge of the asylum!
9/24/2017 So I'm writing as my dad is really sick :
I'm having a tough time dealing with dad in the hospital but he is improving. There is not much room in the ICU room for a big guy like me. So if OK with you all a little humor to brighten everyone's day. Please keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers these next few days . It so reminded me of this , I don't know how he managed to pull strings for the weather delay for the Broncos Sunday as I raced down from Fort Collins and was able to get the game on for him in the ICU and we watched as they came back from the delay and the 2nd half of the Broncos Comboys game, oh it raised our spirits before his life saving surgery . My dad flew the Broncos a few times as an LCA Captain for UAL DC 10's , one in particular stands out after a win in Seattle , when Elway said get us out of here quick Captain , my dad said no problem John , I'll have the team safely back in Denver in 2 hours and 8 minutes, on the dot .
It basically looks like this in his ICU room at Rose Med love you dad. I keep adding to the post lol. https://youtu.be/ATmWeEvW-Ec
I'm heading back down Friday, as my way of dealing with this is working and I have some important systems I'm finishing one for a hospital in the Czech Republic and shipped a bunch of cool stuff today, I'm selling NeXT equipment to a lot of the developers at Apple yeah that Apple as always fun stuff at the Black Hole .
So I'm kind of in shock about dad, everything was fine when mom and dad came up for lunch last week , we had prime rib sandwiches at the longhorn steak house . Apologies if this is choppy I'm hen pecking on my iPhone screen and it's way late thinking about life you know, whole different ball game when it is our parents or family members or relatives or friends getting really sick; parents especially, my dads 83 and we've never seen him this sick like this, I know a lot of you have been there so I feel you as well.
So my sister and her husband Mike flew in today and with my mom , they are on keeping me posted on dads improvements . Emotions are running high for us and I'll fly down like the wind if needed at moments notice but dad needs rest between surgeries and my best move is let the professionals handle this . He thought one of the machines making noise was my printers at one point , the meds you know, and complaining about all the noise in the hotel room ; it was funny but not funny at the same time lol so dad this ones for you https://youtu.be/NcHdF1eHhgc
I would like to add I'm on embrel for RA which helps me tremendously with pain keeping swelling down however it really affects my immune system to where it is very wise and I probably don't need to be in the ICU or I seriously may wind in the bed next to dad with some exotic virus. They are very good people at Rose and Kim and I enjoyed working there awhile back as valets , I told the staff that as well and that we appreciate their hard work; it must be stressful working full time on the ICU floor for sure, I was seriously rattled after only a few hours by the constant commotion. My sister Barbara Blessin-Douglass has the ongoing gossip details on her page, lol .peace out Rob
I thought would explain the circumstances leading up to what exactly has lead to my dad being in the hospital under life threatening conditions as I had never even heard of this happening., He is currently as we speak under going his second surgery in the last 48 hours . My dad opted for teeth implants a few years ago. From my understanding they grind your existing teeth down if possible and go over the top of them with a shiny new set of pearly whites. So they look good on my Dad but one draw back has been a front tooth where it was ground down to far so not enough was left jutting out to have a good anchor point for the new one. As a result it keeps falling out , five times they have gone in and tried stronger epoxies with no joy. So my dad being 83 is also on a bunch of meds one being Predaxa which prevents blood clotting. So in an effort to fix this tooth once and for all . The Doc's and Dentist concurred that he should stop Predaxa for a few days to prevent bleeding during the procedure.
The procedure involved pulling the old tooth completely and adding in bone marrow dust. The idea is the bone marrow grows into your existing jaw bone and in a few month's creates a strong anchor point for the new tooth . The Dentist would drill into the new strong jaw bone and have a rock solid mounting point to set the new post with over the post artificial tooth which would in turn prevent it from falling out every few weeks/ month's.
The first few days were fine after this initial procedure, in fact my parents came up last week after the surgery. We went out to lunch . Friday night rolls around and my dad still off Predaxa starts to feel pain, very severe pain in his abdomen, he thought it was appendicitis.
They went in to Rose Medical and he was admitted at 4:00 AM Friday evening, Saturday night bed rest in the hospital and Sunday morning and boom things escalated dramatically, it went from Dad has a tummy ache to dad may be not making it through the night.
I was like holy shit as my sister and mom called in hysterics on the phone and the Bronco game was on , I dropped everything and said I'm on my way all of a sudden a miracle rain delay as well .
What happened to cause this is the Predaxa my dad was/is on prevents blood clotting and normally this is a standard procedure to stop it for this dentistry procedure quite common, in fact my dad had done this several times before, however results this time were life threateningly different different as a blood clot formed in his small intestine.
The clot in effect chokes off the small intestine intestines blood supply so nothing gets by and it starts backing up quickly. Not good, so now the small intestine begins to actually die off behind the blockage while in front feces is smashing in creating a dam, yes it literally is dieing off because of no blood flow, it is being choked and if not caught immediately death for the person like welcome to the afterlife happens within 24 hours, yes that bad.
I arrive at the hospital ICU and the Doc is asking my dad if he is in a Coma does he want the machine unplugged after 7 days , I'm like what the heck, they didn't know I had just walked up, this is the first thing I hear.
I immediately understood the severity of the the situation so I start asking questions of everyone and thanking them for their help. Telling about my dad and I sat down and we started talking and I said the Broncos game is on , he said yes please put it on with smile. Bronco's literally just came off the hour rain delay, we watched the game. Mom and I met with all the surgeons as they elected to go into emergency surgery immediately that night.
The surgery involves looking around with a small camera and assess visually if the meds were working and any necrosis of the small intestine needed to be removed, it did. As x rays showed the fluids we're not getting through despite clot busters but certain vital signs had improved dramatically for my dad; so it was now safe enough to go in , the second procedure going on now as I'm writing this is to determine if the small intestine is now functioning or if more necrosis needs to be removed , hopefully the whole small intestine won't need to be removed and best case scenario is things have improved enough that they can reattach everything so we are still touch and go. Fingers crossed thoughts and prayers.
I know Dad will pull through he said he has been through worse. Hope that explains what is going on as I say I'm in shock just a little is an understatement.
Here is the Mayo clinics take on it
That being said he is improving and should pull through but it made me think about life in the long running blog so I've been working on the powerball decoder and thought I would give it away to the world for free, please keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers, if you win using it great please remember me Rob Blessin.
I honestly am not sure what I have stumbled on here with this decoder but the stats don't lie , someone is honestly communicating with me and now you . So interestingly enough it may be time travelers , positive entities like God and the Angels and those on the other side or more Earthly folks lending a hand to solve an nearly impossible dream. I've learned in life Money does not necessarily buy happiness and I'm good where I am at in Life although if you or I win it, awesome. I endeavor to make the world a better place for us all to live in and in my opinion way to much negativity is going on these days. You should have seen the hell I've been through getting Powerdecoder to this point 1000's of hours since the 1990's actually loosing it all a few times with drive crashes . I think I blew the LIBRE free office softwares mind Download it here a> and this powerball decoder is currently unsorted, this is actually what happened direct from the machines according to the powerball website; they have many formatting issues I corrected . If you believe me great, when you do sorts of columns and all sorts of cool things happen look for words, it doesn't have to be exact , it is amazing .
I have had fun creating it this is only a small segment but my heart is in the right place enjoy and win , heck you don't have to use this , in case it was hoodlums lol I sent it to the NSA and they busted the dude in charge of security for Powerball Nationwide for hacking the system and rigging drawings nationwide because it pissed me off. They were stealing all of our chances to win and we were playing honest, heck the odds are long enough as it is lol . My thoughts are the corruption goes way deeper, they only touched the surface of the scandal , reading some of the winners stories some are luck others not so much like they had an inside in, have a look for yourself but I don't want to die at the hand of mafia thugs or dishonest winners now flush with millions in cash, so lets just go with it must be positive spirits guiding us and this is buried amongst a billion web pages. When I start this blog there really were not very many at all as NeXT was the only platform the web worked on. I'm an honest guy , check out my computerpowwow on eBay store ratings for example. So here it is Rob Blessin Amazing Powerball Decoder for my Dad. The return of Clownoramus as you know I've been doing this since the 1990's , the odds are still 292 million to 1 in the current configuration but you can't win if you don't play , I'm just taking humor , mathematics, statistics and code breaking , encryption used in predicting powerball numbers to a whole new level , hope this makes you all smile! The Black Hole , Inc my NeXT Computer Business is doing great as well appreciate it. May be just may be, it is Steve Jobs and many others laughing and screaming at me from the afterlife or the future saying Blessin you BOSO , you are supposed to win the damn thing already, we have been signaling you , I'm thinking may be I have already because it sure is fun trying you would not believe all the cool stats I'm running on this thing , I've been doing this lotto prediction thing since the 1990's . I am looking at it every way possible, code wise , different methods of encryption , they know who I am as I now have it all working on my Mac finally. I even run some it on good old NeXT's! Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone as a way to talk to spirits , may be that is what I have done , a positive ouji of sorts or I've tapped into the ancient Cabala using actual lottery stats, it is weird seemingly because it works on all drawings , where else can you become crazy rich from a couple of dollars . I'm telling you I really am on to something take a gander, words I see spelled out in it , ear and bunt for example as well as co know , well signing off for now. I'll be back and plan publishing a book about all this stuff soon.
9/21/2019 Rob Blessin Amazing Powerball Decoder 2019 Update enjoy.