page15chapter2.html Chapter 2 after 25 Years. Chapter 2 :
10/6/2020 After all of these years I thought hey books not only have Pages they have Chapters . You see when I started writing this diary , the web was brand new and we were fortunate enough because initially it only worked on NeXT computers. One of my customers as I've mentioned before Tim Berner's Lee invented the World Wide Web while at CERN and his bosses thought it was a bad idea.
In trying to grasp what was this thing , this new entity , we had use for it right away conjuring up a catalog of NeXT products before the web we were licking envelopes and sending out brochures. Now we had the ability to create documents , promotional brochures and link in the software making downloadable demos possible. We created CGI scripts where it automated the process primitive but very effective , the customers picked from a list of items and clicked send , they told us what they want through email making it a round the clock business overnight.
Then one day I started this world wide webs longest running blog.
RIP Eddie Van Halen, I was fortunate enough to see them jam at Folsem Field in Boulder back in the day , one heck of a show.
Hey Rob I see you are still at the NeXT game. I just tried firing up the old Animo you built me. I think the video card has gone bad. Was wondering if I could ship it out to you to see if you could resurrect it? What do you think it would cost
Hello Jon: Great to hear from you , Yes I'll get her up and running. Remember the Animo ! Is this an NeXT Intel box with a screen machine? Yes I can repair it for you....
Down the rabbit hole....It must be fate ....... so as the story goes, I put in a lot of late nights as a mad computer scientist and unusual things have been afoot at the Black Hole workshop, I firmly believe time travel and tunes are involved.
Also with a lot of NeXT legacy hardware from NeXT users that have passed is arriving so the NeXT vortex grows. I repair them and try my best to match them with the future owners.Hey Rob I see you are still at the NeXT game. I just tried firing up the old Animo you built me. I think the video card has gone bad. Was wondering if I could ship it out to you to see if you could resurrect it? What do you think it would cost
Amazing NeXT software manifests along with hardware including NeXT Cube number 4 and power supply number 5 adding to the mystique..... the goal to have a NeXT Cube power up from 1988 in 2088 well apparently it happened as they are making contact.
I started to notice unusual occurrences back in the 90's whilst integrating the Animo systems used in the movie Spacejam and other boxes like yours the legendary Jon Hooper. Tunes from the future contacted me , Boson Torpedo (Cruz) a distant relative of Buzz Lightyear and his sidekick the UV kid (Pitt) about the mess going on in the future so I've been trying to help but I think something else very dark discovered the plan to save the future through tunes , toons and magic and it came back through the NeXT wormhole which explains 2020 .
So in order to save the future and prevent civil war let alone world war now and in the future using vintage technology to remain stealth and legendary ass kickers , how funny digitize cartoon animo "the expendables" send them through the wormhole to the future to sort things out lol where they return to human form , it would be so funny the meanies in the future would never see them coming.know it will make a fun movie and the script , hmm I provided the NeXT hardware used in the Jobs movie Aaron Sorkin script .... I can see it now did you order a code red Jack Nicholson as the bad guy in the future lol .
For Cameos they dark side tunes start abducting celebrities and turning them into tunes with the whimsical machines flashing them to celebrity hell paparazzi land , they must be saved .
Que celebrities as they are not happy, finally a chance for payback , to battle there way back to freedom , escaping Paparazzi land by defeating the evil Paparazzi swarms, I'm sure they will be creative in this endeavor with acme products and the brilliance of honey pot traps:)
Enter the world wide webs longest running blog: and I'll add this correspondence to the blog.
It would be funny to have it start to manifest on my YouTube channel with an invitation to help us Save the Planet . Best Regards Rob Blessin
<@@@ It was on like Donkey Kong when those bastards from the future created the toilet paper famine of 2020 , Tarantino , Spielberg:)
10/17/2020A movie , made with old NeXT hardware and vintage movie equipment IE steam punk, by old people and young NeXT users you say ;
What about if it were to manifest from My Rob Blessin NeXT hardware youtube page? Stay tuned.
10/18//2020 As you can see in the videos from my you tube page the Forest Fires have been burning out of control for 2 months outside of Fort Collins, very unusual for this time of year.
The good vibes I sent yesterday contributed to manifesting , well we had rain for the first time in awhile last night. Good Karma.
We think you all a ready for this The Sun turns out is a perfect strategic location for an Alien Magnetic Bubble plasma filling station, only one available for awhile. as evidenced in the video . As you all see the Magnetic bubble the size of Jupiter quickly fills with plasma and then is undocked and transported through a magnetic vortex wormhole to a secure inter dimensional"tesseract" space storage filling station facility. We were able to finally halt the gas and go with the help of some very cool allies .Subject: RE: NeXT Computers for the Hubble! Date: May 11, 2009 6:15 AM
Hi Rob,
Having spent 8 years supporting the testing of the Widefield Camera 3, which will be installed during the servicing mission, you can imagine that I am very excited about the launch today as well.
The NeXT computers were used for the testing of Hubble's science instruments on the ground so they won't be used for the servicing mission itself.
However, we were just recently using the NeXT computers for some lab testing that is supporting the next big space telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope, so they are still in use! If you recall, the system that the NeXT computers operate is called the Aberrated Beam Analyzer (ABA).
The ABA has been used to verify the optical performance of many different science instruments for over the last 15 years. However, because the ABA electronics and hardware is getting old and is prone to failure, we are now looking into either updating the electronics or decommissioning it. Either way, the NeXT computers you built have proven to be reliable and instrumental in allowing us to continue using the ABA.
Cheers, Jeff
Turns out the Hubble and James Webb telescopes are very good at catching gas and go aliens, lol photo radar.
The Space tether experiment
One purpose of such a set-up might be to produce electric power, generating current to run equipment aboard the space shuttle. That electric comes at a price: it is taken away from the motion energy ("kinetic energy") of the shuttle, since the magnetic force on the tether opposes the motion and slows it down. In principle, it should also be possible to reverse this process: a future space station could use solar cells to produce an electric current, which would be pumped into the tether in the opposite direction, so that the magnetic force would boost the orbital motion and would raise the orbit to a higher altitude.
The first attempt at the tether experiment ended prematurely when
problems arose with the deploying mechanism, but the one on February 25,
1996, began as planned, unrolling mile after mile of tether while the
observed dynamo current grew at the predicted rate. The deployment was
almost complete when the unexpected happened: the tether suddenly broke
and its end whipped away into space in great wavy wiggles. The
satellite payload at the far end of the tether remained linked by radio
and was tracked for a while, but the tether experiment itself was over. It took a considerable amount of detective work to figure out what had happened. Back on Earth the frayed end of the tether aboard the space shuttle was examined, and pieces of the cable were tested in a vacuum chamber. The nature of the break suggested it was not caused by excessive tension, but rather that an electric current had melted the tether. The electric conductor of the tether was a copper braid wound around a nylon string. It was encased in Teflon-like insulation, with an outer cover of Kevlar, a tough plastic also used in bullet-proof vests, all this inside a nylon sheath. The culprit turned out to be the innermost core, made of a porous material which, during its manufacture, trapped many bubbles of air, at atmospheric pressure. Later vacuum-chamber experiments suggested that the unwinding of the reel uncovered pinholes in the insulation. That in itself would not have caused a major problem, because the ionosphere around the tether, under normal circumstance, was too rarefied to divert much of the current. However, the air trapped in the insulation changed that. As it bubbled out of the pinholes, the high voltage ("electric pressure") of the nearby tether, about 3500 volts, converted it into a plasma (in a way similar to the ignition of a fluorescent tube), a relatively dense one and therefore a much better conductor of electricity. The instruments aboard the tether satellite showed that this plasma diverted through the pinhole about 1 ampere, a current comparable to that of a 100-watt bulb (but at 3500 volts!), to the metal of the shuttle and from there to the ionospheric return circuit. That current was enough to melt the cable. As the broken end whipped away from the shuttle, the plasma established electric contact with the ionosphere directly. The satellite on the distant end monitored the current: after about half a minute it stopped, then it reignited and flowed again for about another half minute, stopping for good when (presumably) all the trapped air was gone. Because of the unexpected break, the tether experiment at the time was widely viewed by the press as an expensive failure. True, the planned operation at full deployment, for several hours, could not take place, nor could the tether and its satellite be retrieved, which was to have demonstrated the feasibility of deploy-able tethers. However, many of the scientific experiments had already begun during deployment and yielded good data. And the break itself, though unfortunate, added an unscheduled experiment to the mission, one which highlighted the risks and complexities of operating scientific equipment in space. |
It turns out the Tether Experiment of 1996 was a miles long top secret flying banner for the filling station and it was cut off by Big Plasma Inc.
Here are all the customers ready to fill up , UFO's , space munchies .
Turns out the magnetic bubbles , can create a wormhole vortex ,IE vacuum or blower , to clean atmospheres or siphon much needed gases from one "planet"
to another making it possible to balance Venus's pulling CO2 out, Mars adding Hydrogen from Jupiter and the Moon's Atmosphere drawing from Earth.
No worries there are seasoned specialists , it is how earth is earth currently and they have been here all along. Keep the faith , it is all going to turn out alright.
10/20/2020 Tonight at 8:20 20 seconds Military time , it was 10/20/2020 at 20.20.20 ..... the world is in chaos as games and events and normal stuff has been rescheduled , canceled , moved or forbidden by a "virus" or is it a conspiracy to cover up the evil toons mucking with the stars.
A rebel group is assembling as news travels about the stars all missing flashed to Paparazzi land. A lone repairman has been signaled to contact , the wise elders comparable to Jedi's of props and animation as they understand the technology.
Yes it is their time to shine and become heroes by creating
They are tasked with creating digitized support of rescue toons, time is of the essence so misfit toons , rejected for past production features are called to order
(stealth as the popular toons can be used for diversions) along with the expendables to save the day, by rescuing the stars.
It won't be so easy as this is all done with in an epic series of long shot events and crazy weather where 2 star crossed toons from the future must meet with in an instant.
The Snowflake Princess who's castle and kingdom resides on a magic snowflake that lands in the strangest of wonderful places on the sand castle prince's sandcastle.
The Prince acts fast and moments before a wave crashes in he swoops in on his kite board to save her and the kingdom just in time but his sand castle is ruined.
Here today gone to Maui and he will build a new one, better than before
But the storm sends the snow flake kingdom with Princess on board all the way back to Alaska .
The Prince and Princess hearts are broken but the Whales know the way :) and the Sand Castle Prince has a plan to surf a Tsunami wave back to her , while she has a plan to make her way back to him in frozen seafood ...
Of course miraculously they need to meet somewhere in the middle as if 2020 was not messed up enough lol enter the garbage patch and a recycling machine ; will we be able to clean it up "Planet Earth" in time as a human race for these 2 special people and many others to exist in the future. Time will tell.
You may have seen signs , evidence of there inevitable coming , frost mosaics on stain glass windows , snow characters , ice sculptures or sand sculptures, shells sand dollars ,
heard their calls on the howling wind or in conk shells and castles lots and lots of castles and a single grain of sand in the eye after a sleep and the dream catcher armada.
Well honestly it doesn't sound like a very safe meetup plan to me . Sandal Catching a Tsunami Wave and Chrystal lost on a plane full of seafood heading towards Japan.
What is needed is an epic ,trick shot as these kids are determined to meet again and nothing is going to stop them.
Enter our trick shot specialists Bugs and Marvin the Martian tasked with the Princess Ice Cube drop
and Wiley Coyote with Road Runner aligning the Tsunami board to intersect the Prince and an Ocean garbage collection machine .
10/21/2020 So what is my life like in reality right now this very instant , I have a roommate Lisa , I've known for about 30 years.
She has worsening Mental health issues and it is becoming more frightening and I really want her to get help and move on out.
So earlier in the summer with the help of the police, her parents and brother, as the police arrested her again for disturbing the peace.
We moved all of her stuff into a storage locker, the police took her to the mental hospital where they where going admit her and help with counseling,
All paid for but she walked out after 3 days and showed back up here, she new, she was evicted , then it started .
The people she called her friends including her on and off again boyfriend Matt , took everything of value from her in a matter of days.
The fool I am felt sorry for her , I have a heart and let her back in as she promised to change , no change at all, it has been a living hell.
I read her the cool story while she was screaming at full volume calling me every name in the book.
So she has been breaking my appliances stove number 4 coming, n refrigerator 4, dishwasher 3 , microwave 3 , she broke the kitchen sink ,dishes, etc
at 4 am I'm awoken to loud music and a screw driver through the door.
Her ex husband Brian they were married 9 years pleaded with her also tried to get her help.
Todd my other roommate spends as much time as possible away from here now, Todd was her boyfriend , they broke up years back and neither would move out, CRAZY.
I put there stuff out on the lawn and the police said I could not do that as they established residency this last time the said do it.
They are not paying rent and if they do infrequently at least, I get along with Todd now , I would move but I own the house.
Lisa's sister Jerry passed 8 years ago from Schizophrenia and a pill overdose but Lisa now insists she is alive.
She spends hours yelling and screaming and talking to people that are not there so I try to talk to her.
She was not always like this and we have had a lot of good times , I miss that Lisa and her parents only live 3 blocks from here.
She burned that bridge and everyone is yelling at me for letting her back in she is not going to make it on the streets.
I offered to pay her to move out of here OK , not just evicting like getting her into a place.
The last place she lived in now its been how many years lol 15 another friend of mine she did $3K in damage before being booted.
So is it all bad , no, in fact there are good days but she can turn on a dime.
How am I doing , actually , my health is not the greatest a lot of stress , gee I wonder why.
I can play a tiny violin with the best of them and this being couped up has not helped , she does not work.
I work from home and I love my work , I really do because of my ailments and age 57 what else am I going to do.
I'm great at it , I have tons of customers I call friends and I have real friends and a supportive family including Lisa's.
They thank me for what I have done , now her out bursts have become public and it is embarrassing , so she is a vet as well and I can tell when it is PTSD
An example last week , she will go shopping and buy clothes (arc) then cut them all up and throw them out the next day claiming they are switched out.
She will do the same with the food and has thrown out thousands of dollars worth of food with in days of me buying it, it is lunacy.
Her multiple personalities are growing and the daily drinking is not helping, If I don't get her daily pint there is hell to pay.
I'm an involuntary enabler at this point , courts are not able to assist with evictions currently because of the "virus".
Back to last week , Friday night , it has been a long week. She wants to go grocery shopping.
I take her to King Soupers and fall asleep in the rav4 , what the heck it has been well over an hour.
I go in and she is actually at the check out line , I think I'll grab a few items for myself.
I hear her all the way at the back of the store screaming at the top of her lungs , people with cell phones recording they call it a Karen.
She sees me and stops , and gives me a hug. I ask what is going on I'll pay for all of this to the manager.
Manager says it is paid for but she is screaming so we called the police to escort her out of the store.
She goes on a rant about her commanding officers are not going to put up with this, she has been out of the Guard for over 20 years and never was in combat.
I'm going to wait in the car, the police arrive.
I say they are here to help you , the put the groceries in the car.
I tell one of them she has mental health issues and this may be PTSD, the story behind it , I won't say.
She is stomping upstairs currently , after midnight , yep she starts trying to swing at them, is obviously drunk.
Falls ouch , the police follow us home .... she does not remember any of it , banned from King Soupers .
Goes in the next day doesn't apologize to anyone so what does a person do.
I'm not alone in dealing with a person with deteriorating mental health conditions and no support from her family.
It's sad she used to have a lot of friends and I've done more than my share. I'm good friends with her brother Matt.
He comes over at least once a week and helps with the business doing board level repair , he says she needs to go.
She lasted 6 weeks at his place and all her stuff was on the front lawn , her parent 2 weeks and they felt like prisoners in there own home.
Me it has been how many years now , I've said my piece now off to bed , the installs are finished on the NeXT system I'm shipping tomorrow.
It is now quiet upstairs as she has probably passed out lol spoke to soon. signing off for now. Peace Rob
PS I am not trying to instigate any of this so I actually put an eviction notice on her door this evening and it seemed to calm her down after 15 minutes.
At one point she asked me to start writing down the personalities so she knows it is going on claims it was one of her sisters.
What if there really are parallel universe Lisa's warping in and out through portals, like she claims
that would explain everything like why she broke the shower door and busted a hole in the tub
whilst smashing the shower head against the tile claiming there were alligators , I only wish I was kidding.
10/21/2020So Lisa said that Lisa from last night was gone and it was just her and the little Lisa , I went with it.
She made a nice dinner, it has been quiet as she said she would make sure there was no problems today and apologized .
I've been very busy today so it is all good and I'll sleep good tonight, evil "Lisa" through out my Dream Catcher .
I had to explain what it was and yes sketchy dreams without it.
So I ordered one that will fend off anything negative with in miles lol and it is on the way. An excellent description for their website
IF YOU CHOOSE THE OPTION WITH EXTRA ARROWHEAD IT WILL BE SENT AS A PENDANT WITH A 20" BLACK HEMP CHAIN unless requested otherwise.When I woke up this morning I thought it was dusk, it was 11:00 am .
The forest fires have quadrupled in size and are dangerously close to joining up , these are already the largest fires in state history.
It has been tinder dry, very little moisture, a ton of beetle kill add in heavy winds and the sky was dark with smoke.
Embers fell like snow as the cold front rolled in , what really put it in perspective for me today.
My daily trek to the post office to deliver my packages, I'm on a first name basis with most of the clerks as I enjoy the conversation.
Ray , is one of the friendlier clerks was unusually rattled at first he didn't recognize me, then he confided.
Rob it has been a rough day , the lady he had just spoken with was yet another person shell shocked , the human factor to the fire.
Ray says, so many people are at a loss coming in , is this where we pick up our mail, our home is gone.
A lot of homes and towns like Grand Lake were in the path of the fires today, along with many historic structures ,
p>even Rocky Mountain National Park, 560.000 acres burned to the ground, 5% contained.The snow falls , mother nature , thoughts and prayers to all , 2020 , one heck of a year.
Politics you say, well a rather surprising Presidential debate, with the election less than 2 weeks away 47 million have already voted.
I'm still undecided mainly because of the crazy choice I have to make and I know I don't stand alone on this one.
It has been a set up of sorts as the pandemic escalates, a test for this great nation the United State of America in a lot of ways .
The fabric that holds us together is freedom of thought and action but it is being challenged by a virus , one that has entangled itself
like a boa constrictor around us , social distancing , the mask fiasco , this business OK to operate and that one is not OK.
I'm terrified because I'm high risk , if I catch the virus , it my not end well and yet I think I have already caught it as symptoms
of it have persisted for months , I've tested several times and it comes up negative, will go in again 4the time see
I have been diagnosed with asthma =inhaler, diabetes=metformin , arthritis= enbrel, circulation issues=simvistatin, anxiety = hydroxizine, sleep apnea=cpap
Oh crap did I forget to take a pill lol and worst of all aging , the heart doc Golden said Morbid Obesity , I've never been this heavy, he gave me a few more years.
He said the same thing 5 years ago , I'm still alive and kicking man . I am trying to right the ship that's what all these pills are supposed to help with I have my doubts.
We are all couped up , some are turning to alcohol and drugs lots and lots of drugs fairly sure some of that smoke is the ganja this is Colorado.
So they have also taking away anything potentially fun like movies and concerts and sports as the virus attacks that stuff but protests are a green light to run a muck.
I'm to old lol at 57 to run a muck , heck someday s it is a challenge to hobble to the loo but my favorite item is the free hot tub I scored off craigs list.
I fixed her up with the help of some friends and its great , cheer the heck up out there , if you have wound up here reading this it is all good.
So here you are reading along , what is this you say . Yes you , the reader , I command thee to take a mental health day off.
Spend some time doing what you want to do , you have earned it . Spend some quality time with people you care about and some hard earned cash on yourself.
See made you all smile even if you don't have money , think of something fun to do , a hobby you enjoy , an art project , yes, I don't want you to pay me.
As part of the deal also pay it forward as that is what the world needs , do something friendly for someone , even going a step out of your way to hold a door for someone.
And tell them , hey I'm smiling under this mask you know and may be they will say back at you , pay it forward , may be the good vibes will go viral , just a hunch the world needs it.
Peace out for today , more to come .
10/25/2020Another unusual day with Lisa, I know she meant well , she wanted to cook a nice "thanksgiving dinner" . She bought a small Turkey and fixings , when I picked her up at King Soupers.
Everything seemed OK and the thought of an early "Thanksgiving" was OK with me I was hungry but as often goes she starts cooking the dinner , until everything is actually done , it looks OK to me.
As she pulls it out of the oven and says they switched it out. She had not talked with hers parents in awhile , called them it started out OK ,
then changed insisting her sister that passed 8 years ago was here causing trouble.Her mom telling her no Jerry Lynn is in heaven and most of the trouble revolves around her.
I don't need to go into details but everything she just cooked , she plans to throw out.
I have a right to be upset about it all and I say you really need to get some help , see a councilor and there is medicine that will help you
She goes off the handle , I wasn't trying to be mean at all , I wanted to eat what she cooked it tasted fine to me but she was having none of it.
This isn't even an official holiday , yet this scene has played out so many times over the years with her and comes from something traumatic around holidays in her past.
Only this time it turned out much worse for me , the home phone base is on a long phone cord , she starts swinging it around and around like lasso above her head.
Did she premeditate this whole scenario? Lets it go and it hits me square on the left side of my head at full speed , like a 100 mile an hour fast ball.
I was watching the end of the world series game , ready to eat a nice dinner not more than 5 minutes ago , now even as I type this I have a huge swollen purple bruise growing and don't know what happened.
I am a very big guy 350Lbs plus , she is 5'2" , I took it like a champ; I guess and she really should be in jail tonight, see this is not my girl friend or wife , she is my soon to be ex roommate.
It seriously could have killed me or anyone for that matter and if it doesn't feel better soon , I'm going to the hospital to make sure my brain is not bleeding internally.
She is 48 this is not some teenager but acts like an out of control one . I phoned her parents , they live 3 blocks from here and went over, so I can talk about the phone call they received and
they would take a look at it and we can talk.
They have been through this before with their other daughter Jerry that passed ; that Lisa insists is here.
Her sister was committed to the mental health facility in Pueblo.
Lisa needs to be currently, as when she is calm it is OK but this, she has never done this to me and I have known her over 30 years now. This is not the Lisa I knew and loved.
I came back from her parents , seeing her dump everything in the trash , I said very little on my way back in I'm a civil guy and fortunate to have had great parents still together afer 60+ years.
She said , take me to the liquor store and Matt's her ex on again off again boyfriends , I did , so she'll be there for a few days and the storm on cue is rolling in .
A serious growing problem in this country is a lack of space in mental health facilities, she is a vet and does not work , Some of the Trillion dollar bailouts, should be going to crete Mental Health Infrastructure.
Wow good stuff happens ....
Karma , so another friend Carrie, I helped her out awhile back contacted me and paid me back $1000 through PayPal tonight , out of the blue from a many years old debt, I helped her make rent. Very Cool and much appreciated.
I've taken a lot of chances on people , helping them out of jams , when nobody else would. I learned it from my parents as they have been caring salt of the Earth people as well and sometimes it has worked out , other times it is a disaster.
Looking out the Window thinking:)
I'll wait for the snow to get a few inches deep , call me crazy but rarely have I had the house all to myself, except for the cats, I'm going roll in the snow and jump in the hot tub.
Ice down the lump on my noggin and live another day , this lock down pandemic is the cause of a lot of this chaos, I spoke to the police a lot of domestic disputes going on around town because of it.
I expect Matt will probably text at some point about Lisa causing trouble over there, my advice will be just call the police as I have had enough of Lisa.
I truly would enjoy having my house and life back to myself as I do not need roommates :) ouch my head hurts .
10/25/2020 The hot tub was amazing so a heavy wet snow is coming down , perfect for snow angels , snow creatures , snowballs and icing a big old bump on the bean.
Scooping fresh snow off of the hottub cover to ice down the wound whilst in the hot tub , talk about a rush , flash backs to the dead concerts back in the day lol.
The fires should be extinguished by morning, as this is the storm and moisture we needed. I think I'm going to go buy some wood pellets at home depot , before the Bronco Game today
They should have a 24 hour drive up , wood pellet and ice melt vending machine, snow shovels etc , I bet it would be a hit.
Macy's has some excellent deals on quality bed coverings , stop by there as well , a buy a new down comforter with the unexpected payback
As I think it is going to be a meow a twa night lol ,just old 2 cats Bella, Yoda and me .
10/26/2020 Good news the heavy snow has put the huge forest fires out, I'm doing best to finish up and ship some NeXT projects in particular a Turbo Cube with dual dimension boards for
a really cool project in Germany . I am so close now on boot both dimension boards are seen and one successfully lights up , they were just working so in doing research it is probably a bed
memory stick on one of the boards causing it so I'm try swapping out the memory first.
I don't feel well at all and am going tested for Covid again and have the bruise on my head attended to one of those days. It is 7 degrees outside bitter cold, my hair froze while sitting in the hottub.
Lisa is apparently causing a ruckus over at the house I dropped her off at hearing through text messages. Oh she called me and wanted a ride in the height of the blizzard last night .
I said no , she then wanted me to call an Uber yeah right , I'm not paying the surge rate in a blizzard . She then called me a bunch of names and hung up , seriously not my circus not my monkeys lol.
As far as NeXT projects , there is a heck of a lot of cool NeXT software that I am still discovering. A lot of it has license keys so it only runs in demo mode , I try to track down the original authors
and most a receptive to making it available free to the hobbyist market and are amazed I've tracked them down lol, many happy just to speak NeXT after all these years often they are in their eighties.
Something is off about my concentration today so I am signing off for now.
10/27/2020 I have an ear infection probably from the Hot Tub lol congratulations LA Dodgers on winning the World series first time since 1988 lol coincidentally the first year of NeXT ,all things connected.
10/31/2020 RIP Sean Connery the best 007 ,so in Scotland his mom baby sat my mom's mom and we have a photo . I think my mom's oldest brother and Sean were childhood friends .
I just voted in the 2020 election and did not think I would vote Trump but I did. Biden has not impressed me one bit and I voted for Obama twice and refused to Vote for Hillary as well.
A lot of serious allegations about Biden and his family currently and the mainstream media is covering for him , involving 10's of millions of dollars in payoffs to him through his family members.
Trump has put up with more crap than anyone in history as President and at some point , I just started to see through it , my dad put it best he may be an asshole but he is our asshole lol.
I don't want to pay higher taxes and have them sell out the US and riot, loot and burn it to the ground , I'm staying with the USA and not the BS from the far left and I'm a hippy.
They never let up on harassing Trump for the entire 4 years , give the man some credit
A few apps opened my eyes like Tic Toc to actual world events.
Tic Toc gives people a chance to look at what they are experiencing in real-time . A lot of protesting that turns to rioting and looting and burning stuff to the ground and is not shown on TV.
I'm all one for protesting but the rioting and looting is ridiculous , disturbing and unjustified. I really don't want to go on a political rant , it was basically hold my nose and vote.
I'm really uncertain about what is going to happen in a few days when the election day rolls around on November 3 , 2020. I'll support whoever wins this election but there is an unusual thick tension
in the air and it won't take much for civil unrest to snowball in some areas of the country , the media is keeping a lot of disturbances under the radar. People are angry and this continued lock-down because of Covid
Is not making things go any easier , I feel it is time to return to normalcy nature will sort all this out like it always has people want their freedom returned and the Democratic Narrative is to continue lock down
The Republican narrative is to open the economy back up with precautions but to have this type of mandatory lock down response to every future virus that comes along just will not work .
Now that is has happened , we should have a play book to go by with clear well thought out logistical strategies on how to combat future viruses. This one is not over but it seems like it is fear mongeringto fit political motives and vaccine for profit strategies with hidden nanotechnologies to digitize us into a monetary entity by the madman Bill Gates.
So you can not blame the pandemic on anyone person as decisions should have been made in hind site nobody is perfect. Trump needs to come down off his high horse now and then as
Happy Halloween , we only had a few groups of Trick or Treators this year , all the kids were in masks some rather scary, I had my Steal your face shirt on again , stay tuned.
Sean Connery's Mom, Grandma Nan and Aunt Maime 1924.
It is beyond coincidence , what continues to happen as I write this blog involving NeXT. So I really am working on a NeXT Color System for Dr. Tansey for his Truth Scan software.
I needed a perfect application the Digital Ears Box attaches to the NeXT Computers 56001 DSP connector and captures EEG data , he needed a way to overlay this information onto what the person is actually thinking and saying in realtime.
This will determine how likely a person will buy a product based on a marketing impression.
It turns out here Media Stationis perfect.
Media Station was so far ahead of everything because of NeXT that in hindsite this story is hilarious looking back as I never saw this one coming Wiki on MediaStation and Disney!
In 1994 was used to create some of the very first truly interactive story telling multimedia CD's , given a tight time line to release Lion King.
It worked great on the developers computers "NeXT" but created loads of crying children and ticked off families on Christmas Morning as many also having purchased their first computers running Dos and Windows 3.11
we're greeted by the BLUE SCREEN of DEATH lol. Oh my God see, they bought the cheap Compaq Presario , had no clue what configuration was needed, a better video card, more ram at a minimum basically outlined on the box.
A recipe for disaster ensued first experience with a computer , over whelmed the support staff as they sold a ton of the cd's of course they sorted it all out with in days writing drivers but the media blamed the CD
when it was the crappy Windows operating system on a cheap barebones pc . I feel like Bill Gates is on another one of his rush to order for profit products with this Corona virus vaccine and this is not good,
they want to make it mandatory at it may have nanotechnology that makes us human trackable currency , I say oh hell no.
It has arrived judgement day , I'm so tired of the stress involved in the endless political rhetoric and bombardment of political advertisements.
On the home front , this day started out great then enter Lisa. I'm at my whits end with this living situation, it is truly unfair to me that I have been saddled with dealing with mental illness and alcoholism.
So here is what happened , I spent a lot of money on really good food and had a plan . Lisa constantly wastes a lot of food , or just throws it out , it is absolutely nuts.
I'm tired of her fat shaming me as well , if you have ever dealt with a person pushing all of your buttons then you understand what I am dealing with here.
I work from home so the fact she has not attempted to look for a job for years and receives a little over $500 in social security and $200 in food stamps and makes no attempt to earn anything above that ever.
As our deal for living here was to help with cleaning and cooking, which turned into her preferring to pay $300 for her room. The problems continue to escalate the more she drinks and she winds up asking for the $300 back.
A pint of McKormicks Vodka a day at a minimum , if I buy a 6 pack I'm lucky if I drink 3 as they are gone by morning. She has a whole cast of characters that she talks to the problem is there is no one their in reality.
She used to have a lot of friends , now there is no one . I try to have civil conversations but when she rambles on with in earshot ; the things she is talking about are very disturbing , I'm afraid at this point.
One minute things are calm , the next she is physically breaking items that I care about to get a rise out of me and she knows it.
This evening it was my hot tub at precisely the time I enjoy my evening soak , she was already being confrontational and salty and goes out back to the hot tub.
She starts screaming throws the cover off of the tub with out undoing the other 2 clips which breaks them . Yes and it did then onto the ground. Starts splashing water out of the tub a lot of it.
So now I have a hot tub cover with broken clips that will blow off during the wind already had it happen when she broke the other 2.
The water is low which forces the pumps on and the heater on and I can't fill it because I don't want to freeze the damn hose this evening causing it to break at the tap and flood the basement.
So while I'm out there trying to put the cover back on and clear off the mud and dirt and leaves , the bitch starts throwing my bedding and towels and a cool Tye dye tapestry into the hot tub from the balcony above.
Are you f*cking kidding me? I want to evict this person , oh and locks me out of my own house, luckily I had my keys on me.
I think she is trying to cause me to have a heart attack seriously ; if I die please let the police department see this and I'm not kidding. They are aware of LISA.
I am livid , she says I'm your little sister , I did not do this wtf , conveniently she now invents a personality on the fly to cover this crap.
All this when it is the ultimate stressful situation with this voting going on she keeps moving components of the projects, I'm working on as well, God please help me.
Apparently evictions are on hold again now because of the virus, it is late I'm going to bed . She is a vampire and is screaming and shouting and playing loud music again at 3am.
I need a vacation , once I catch up with the current projects and have the house back to myself, I'm going to take one.
What I really do not understand , why in the hell, if she doesn't like living here, makes every point of letting me know it daily , won't she move the hell out.
I have offered to pay her $2000 to f*cking move OK, I'm not rich that is a hell of a lot of money for me and would give her a stellar rating (ha) where ever she winds up but she refuses.
I don't get it , I will remain positive in all this and keep completing my NeXT projects to maintain sanity. Oh and as a night cap she just grabbed my nice toaster to light her cigarettes which she knows really ticks me off.
What part of no smoking in the house on the lease does she not understand and I'm on a CPAP and she did not vote even though I said if you do anything one thing at all productive vote today.
The election as expected is in complete chaos , my personal observation , as sacks of votes continue to manifest lol one statement that stands out 20,000 plus votes for Biden , 0 for Trump in Pennsylvania way late at night.
Videos of people burning bags of ballots "taking matters into their own hands" and videos of people being trained and instructed to trash Trump ballots in Michigan, that are supposed to be counting them and switching them out.
Nothing to see here , move along , oh they won't let people observe the count. Lawsuits left and right , this is probably going to get real ugly , I'm not saying either candidate won by a landslide .
It is a really tight race as I'm writing this the spread in Georgia is now 665 votes 99.5% vote reported, Trump still clinging to a lead, at one point he was up 250,000 votes lol.
This is now 3 days later , sketchy , they are now saying Biden is averaging 80 to 85% of votes being counted at this time.
They need to look at registered voters , party affiliation , county, total count , how they voted , may be an app , so you can login and say how you voted and have it verified , you would be under oath. If it is already correct just confirm that .
It is not rocket science here , it is simply I voted for this candidate.
I'm going to bed , the stats look really skewed in some areas , just saying don't screw up the United State of Americas Presidential Election for the reast of us.
We all have an equal one vote and the freedom to cast it for the candidate of our choice beyond that one vote per living person that actually voted is fraud.
Stay Tuned , President Trump is not a happy camper , Biden is probably sleeping.
Uncharted territory indeed, a tail of 2 Presidents at the same time. nothing is officially resolved but I listened to Joe Biden's speech. It is refreshing to hear a message of positivity and unity potentially developing for the USA
We shall see , what is this so it turns out there was not only one snowflake princess but 3 , yes 3 the second one hailed from Vail, Colorado and that storm took a highly unusual track and the snowflake Castle landed on Mustang Island ,Texas.
A Hurricane was coming ashore and just in the nick of time a heroic brave bareback rider Hoss saved the day swooped in and saved the snowflake kingdom from the incoming storm surge.
Hoss had no sooner made eye contact with princess Aspen when a waterspout spun ashore and whisked the snowflake kingdom 2 from the arms of hoss and so to went the princess , heading back towards on a whirlwind to Colorado.
Snowflake Princess 3 Brandy from Jersey , also known as the high maintenance Princess had enough of this snow business and wished for something different , the nor'easter o the century took control of the operation ,
as weather works in mysterious ways, drifted over I95 headed for Florida then Bee-lined sailing over A1A eventually landing in Key west, Florida landing a Fat Tuesday's Daiquiri bar lol Jimmy Buffet music echoed through the air.
Cactus Rich a bartender by night and treasure hunter by day , rescued her from the frozen lava libation mixing machine just in time. They spent a few hours conversating on lazy swinging hammocks strung between the royal palms,
On cue a cool breeze picked her up and she sailed the trade winds back north . Stay tuned.
Happy Birthday Lisa and my sister Barbara's Birthday was yesterday.
The Presidential election is still up in the air and the results will probably be overturned as I've ignored the bulk of media calling it for Biden.
Corruption and Scandal loom large.
The software and hardware used 30 states created by Dominion voting software made by Smartmatic has malware and backdoors designed to create malicious and false results.
If they let me look at the source code I would be able to point out exactly where this is code is not rocket science , vote manipulation process is happening.
The votes were not even be tabulated and counted here in the USA , the US Army raided a server holding the DATA in Germany, the company was in Venezeula , kickbacks to election officals that signed off on these "secure" machines..
Up to 4 Million votes may have been changed , manipulated or deleted , there is a back door that lets votes in the system be extracted and drag and dropped into folders then deleted or changed.
It appears to be a coordinated plan as several states stopped counting votes , the software allows 3rd parties to log in and observe in real time. A video of it shows fraud here.
Software patches were added to make the machine read only the votes you wanted , algorithms are showing this happened late at night. They were just stupid to think they were going to get away with any of this.
As time rolls on I've lost a lot of good friends Joe Gosselin to Cancer, I had not seen him in a long while but he was one of my best friends for a long time.
I emailed his wife and told a story to one of his grown daughters about his heroics as a Soccer ie and donated to his cause kids and soccer.
Catherine Moore , she is in a few photos on the site , we are told she made bad decisions in the end. We met up may be 5 years ago when she called me out of the blue, it had been 10 years.
She had me meet her at a kind of run down hotel by the old Stapleton Airport , in fact at first we did not recognize one another. She was gravely thin ,had changed her hair color to a dark black
A creepy guy phoned over and over, she had a little dog that crapping all over the place , I had enough after about an hour, I saw her one more time.
We met at a different hotel and said her dad was paying for it, she didn't remember meeting me a few month's earlier. I drove down from Fort Collins , she had called countless times.
The dog was gone, she did not no where, it looked like she only had one shirt , in the day she was a stunner and happy go lucky, lit up the room, full of spirit.
This Cat was different , I tried talking with her , I thought she would want to go out and do something fun. She then asks to borrow $20 , I'm like OK , makes a phone call .
Asks me to drive her to downtown Denver , a sketchy part , tells me to park, hop's out like I'm an uber driver and says please don't wait. Yes I left and that was my last contact with her, I was so sad.
So 2 years passed until last fall, I tried to look her up and saw there ws a funeral with no obituary. I contact Emily , her best friend from child hood , she had no idea.
Heck I'm even friends with Eddie her step dad on facebook and so is she, they made any attempt to contact us about it. Yes Cat was another victim of the opiate epidemic and homeless.
On a current note , more than ever I'm afraid for my life because of the Covid virus . One of my favorite people on the planet Bettie , one of my best friends mom's , like a second mom to me.
I just saw her less than a month ago , we had a great conversation as always , Covid , she caught Covid , 5 days ago and passed from complications of it in her sleep at 79 .
This morning we had a phone alert , first one ever, we are in a high risk Covid area. I'm on a CPAP , I have Asthma, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Morbid Obesity on plenty of meds and vitamins.
I don't want to die from it, I'm in shock , it is no joke. My parents want me down for Thanksgiving this week , I'm going but when does all this end.
They need to approve medication that heals now , if the election was rigged throw the bums out and lets get on with it.
I sure as heck don't want these monsters running the country if the fix was in and it sure seems like it was fixed by rigged equipment for sure, we shall see.
I'll continue to work as much as I can but a lot of the country is going into lockdown again.
The Presidential Election is still not officially decided, things are so screwedup right now, I'm tired of the mask wearing and protocols, give me back my freedom.
I recently started listening to the Astral Projection stuff on youtube, I decided heck with it I'm going to the future, currently I'm working with Dr. Tansey, he has a NeXT app called Brain Scan.
It kind of works like a lie detector, wait just a minute here, we have AI coming at us as well.
Then the App bombed so a self full filling prophesy.
How many bloody times has this happened , the update and it breaks your shit = software that was working now enter hours hell trying to figure it out , just do it for me AI from the future , lol, I'm done good night
I took a photo with my phone, see the spinning beach ball and my text I had written no way to do anything and it no way to save it.
AI good night and while you are at it send a scathing flame to the developer and the ahole camping on my port 420.
Updated Powerball Decoder 12/12/2020 Someone win it :) just trying to help !
It has been unbelievable , looking back over the last month. I have been incredibly sick , it came back negative for covid but positive for pneumonia so I've been ridden since 12/24/2021.
Here is what I think has happened, plenty of evidence to prove a rigged Presidential election but no one in the court system would move forward with it.
This is all so obviously planned , they knew they held all of the cards and that as the goal all along press Trump into a corner.
Yesterday all the way to the final electoral college vote , they had Trump right where they wanted him on the home field holding his final rally knowing he would throw a hail mary.
He directed the protestors directly to the BIG OLD Honey pot as planned. They let them into the Capitol so that changed everything , it was a paradigm shift for a lot of people , myself included.
It will go down as probably the single weirdest action by a President in the History of the USA. Ease his pain send him to the golf course the next few weeks , your action President Trump thwarted any opportunity you had for a rematch in 2024 or did it.
I have lots more to say and lots of business to catch up on and I'm still sick , this virus is no joke Covid or not.
The Trumpsters that stormed the Capitol , man they should have cast a single token Electoral Vote and gone home.
You know may be in all the craziness it will create bipartisan cooperation as Trump screwed up Royally . No more Trump train for me , I've seen enough.
I have a rather unique perspective here about the World Wide Web and the current situation fit a narrative I went through back in the 1990's . You see the WWW was brand new and being on NeXT , it was wide open to explore or figure out or invent. I had a webstore selling downloadable software and hardware with the help of talented friends and coworkers and still do ... I have a really long blog probably the longest running on the net lol that I add to sporadically . It started when I had a link to the about section, it was kind of a weird feeling ..... what does the about section mean really. So I started typing , we really did not know , how big can a web page be and how much stuff or bling can I put on it before it crashes. I actually then pivoted into the worlds very first Social Network so to speak as I started to blog about friends and family adding pictures and graphics , making little games . Making cold calls to companies trying to talk them into having websites and webobjects software which turned a static web page into a dynamic web page in 1993 and 1994 , 95, 96 . My point here I faced this decision and it was really weird , I knew I was really on to something , the wayback machine proves it , it is all there at one point I had deleted it because I was being electronically harassed , it is real and vicious mentally . It sucks being attacked as a TI . I was happy to find out about a year later, my blog was safely secured on the wayback machine as we have all done it at some point lets get rid of it all and delete. Then regret it later on when we realize hey that stuff was actually pioneering and really cool . As my blog grew in length and my friends were laughing as they were now on the web not really knowing what the hell was going on .... we all had ideas of what we should may be try and do , I post them in the blog . I controlled the NARRATIVE lol it was mine and only mine , none shall have an alternative opinion , then one night Cat showed interest . I said would you like to type something on the web , and she did on my blog I uploaded it trying to explain Cat , you can now see that from any computer with the web in the world lol . You know it was as though a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders as this thing , this page I had been writing on , someone else would be able to add to it , before the search engines ..... my other section had my CGI scripts and although primitive still work today where you were are able to pick items and I can send you a quote and let you know if they are still in stock lol though most of my stuff is now done through eBay for my sanity. I had a website working selling real stuff before the craziness began imagine that it is quite a true story and now I opened up to where people my friends if they wanted could add stuff . Where these companies are at now , is where I was at then , when I got pissed off at being constantly harassed oh it sucked and it may have been because they didn't want to have to potentially pay someone that had a social media website no matter how primitive or sophisticated or what may have been competition . A lot of dotcom was vaporware , oh I've helped many prior art patent litigation cases and may sure the people were not fleeced as in having to pay for every picture downloaded , or graphic , or sound , or song (I'm all for protecting artists as a musician) yep that was fun to uploading a few tunes. Hey when these IMHO humongous multimedia , social network companies go in and blatantly delete all of our stuff then silence our voice or those that oppose our viewpoint and they in lockstep with the Government railroad the most controversial President out of office in a few hours , when a bloody stimulus check has been held up for how long . Change has and will come what they are doing is not the United States of America . They should have video footage of every single ballot as soon as the envelope comes in ,going though every phase until it is tabulated by the machine with an encrypted verification check from above with multiple auditors . If anything is messed with statistical outliers like consecutive votes in a row, signature verification , they would have an instant verifiable audit trail . Whatever these crappy voting machines are currently take some of the 750 Billion Dollar budget and completely overhaul the voting system, it is not rocket science , I still feel this is all a well orchestrated Sting of an election and stupid actions of a few should not reflect on the million standing around them no matter who's side they are on. I have friends all over this planet , I wish you all well , I'm recovering from being really sick , it came back negative for Covid but I've been sick since Christmas eve , antibiotics helped and a notice of the vaccine today is available. I'm hesitant to jump in and get the vaccine because of the arthritis medication I'm on already having a lowered immunity and would like to see more data / results first with more options like a single dose coming out for J and J . My first experience on the web was Doug from Thoughtful software showing an image on a screen of a cancer cell and moving a mouse over it which the changed the image , then he said it is not even on this machine in 1993 . Then years later I realized Nexus in the CSU library in 1991 , when I wrote a paper on Apple and found the corporate annual reports was actually primitive web but having worked in many libraries I knew right away it was a game changer. PS Facebook please don't delete my page , it has taken me a very long time and a lot of hours to do all this here nd I like having the option to hear different perspectives as it gives one the whole picture , Freedom of Speech is very important and so is the Sherman Act. God Bless America, Peace on Earth Best Regards Rob Blessin
Here is the Powerball Decoder 2021 Edition, I'm 100% sure someone is trying to contact us through the game . I've researched the actual drawing machines and they have RFID Technology.
So I've been working on all of this 30 years and I actually did win the lottery once $10,000 First Game First week of the Colorado Lottery 2/9/1983 on a scratch ticket.
They had a spin drawing for $1 Million , that they only let $50 and $500 winners into the extra spin to win portion lol I was excluded from this because I won to much to be entered.
I enjoy Mathematics in all forms and specifically statistics and code breaking , I have determined a game with in the game exists and what I do is called tracking the lotto.
I have successfully predicted 5 of the 6 powerball numbers only I was a year early lol I have a stack of tickets to prove it . I look at the Powerball drawing machine it has 5 columns
and I break those out into 5 columns , I have tons of different spreadsheets it is fun for me. I'm able to see trends like hot and cold columns so sometimes I'm able to eliminate 2 r 3 columns.
So know we are not looking at 69 numbers ,now we are looking at 69-14-14-14 = 27 numbers, in those 27 numbers often 1 or 2 will repeat or step up one or step down 1 and this may repeat for several drawings in a row
Some of those columns numbers will hit at the top 14 or the bottom of the column like 1 example 1-14,15-28,29-42,43-56,57-69 , these numbers o balls are all audited so they all have to hit with in certain time frames.
They also at some point really want someone to win it because the lines get long and overwhelm some businesses :) . I know the have to plan for popular numbers like 7 , think of this for just the powerball numbers.
26 powerball numbers in the current configuration the number 15 has not hit since 9/19/2019 ~140 drawings ago , 12 and 25 are both over 100 draws , when the print quick picks with those numbers on them , THEY BANK 2 times a week.
In that same time frame the powerball number 14 hit 10 times 16 and 17 3 times each and 18 14 times .
Combinations of numbers a really hot number may have 1, 2 or 3 moons lol and gaps where the maybe a consecutive pair 27,28 , the next drawing 2 balls with 1 open 5 and 7 or spans first number 5 last number 28 = 23 number span
This gap will repeat or step up or down like a clock ticking away or an abacus. odd and even numbers , people will play numbers only below 32 calendar numbers.
I have a budget and did not play for over a year , I usually wait until the jackpot gets high and I'll buy 1 where I predict sometimes up to 5 and 1 quick pick as the odds are astronomical
My decoder plugs in numbers for letters and yes I've done all of the different codes and frequency of letter in the english language matched up with frequency of numbers on the power ball .
I drop chunks of it into code breaking software or just look for words doing different sorts like sort column A1 = the first ball out of the machine and all kinds of stuff comes up Just look at the drawn order I'm onto something
Whos is on the other side of this pinging me back Lottery winners ? Game with in the game? Lottery worker or Accountants? FBI ? NSA ? Aliens? Mobsters? Spirits? Afterlife? Mad Scientists ? Time Travelors?
These are machines that communicate through time like it may even be the Kabala , here it is 2021 Powerball decoder win!.
Global CE 5 initiative .... One of my successful NeXT projects a few years back . I was contacted by NASA to see if I would be able to come up with a solution to their problem. My specialty and I'm still at it after 28 years; is resurrecting, repairing , integrating , maintaining and upgrading NeXT Computers running the NeXTSTEP operating systems for the global NeXT Community. Steve Jobs other company NeXT had a small niche and it was not the failure the media portrayed it to be , we ran circles around the competition whilst the world was subjected to the blue screen of death Windows 3.11 and other incarnations 95,98,NT etc. We running 25 apps at once with out crashing lol some government systems running NeXTstep did not have to reboot in 7 years of running , companies kept it a secret . Where did it go? Apple bought NeXT for 430 Million in 1996 and Steve Jobs back and we know what happened from there. NASA and many other companies had custom apps developed with in NeXT's powerful NeXT Developer Tools and Object Oriented Developer tool set. The original NeXT developers had long since moved on and well the original NeXT hardware had been sitting idle. A decision was made to tune up the Hubble one of the first obstacles was what the heck are these NeXT computers that basically dial in the optics , focus the Hubble that do not work. (Yes I plan on writing a book and have the worlds longest running blog on my site, I know one of the my stores is down php upgrade hosed it, I'll fix it when I have time. I also have one of the longest open webstores running old cgi scripts , my eBay store is easiest for me . ) NASA went searching for a solution and found my store dedicated to NeXT hardware and yes the literally where laughing and crying tears of joy and amazement when I said Yes, I think I can do this. A few catches the could not ship me the computers initially because they thought it was impossible . I had them read me part numbers and take photo's to reverse engineer it , I integrated a clone NeXT system Then made a hot rod the hardware drivers that is where software handshakes with hardware were stuck in the 1990's orphaned. So I create hybrids of old and new hardware , now we do it in emulation ....... yes it worked here is the correspondence Subject: RE: NeXT Computers for the Hubble! Date: May 11, 2009 6:15 AM Hi Rob, Having spent 8 years supporting the testing of the Widefield Camera 3, which will be installed during the servicing mission, you can imagine that I am very excited about the launch today as well. The NeXT computers were used for the testing of Hubble's science instruments on the ground so they won't be used for the servicing mission itself. However, we were just recently using the NeXT computers for some lab testing that is supporting the next big space telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope, so they are still in use! If you recall, the system that the NeXT computers operate is called the Aberrated Beam Analyzer (ABA). The ABA has been used to verify the optical performance of many different science instruments for over the last 15 years. However, because the ABA electronics and hardware is getting old and is prone to failure, we are now looking into either updating the electronics or decommissioning it. Either way, the NeXT computers you built have proven to be reliable and instrumental in allowing us to continue using the ABA. Cheers, Jeff ************** It came to me finally last night , we have SETI listening for them but man are the Aliens good , right in front of all of us the whole time. My theory is : Turns out the Hubble and James Webb telescopes are very good at catching images from the around the Universe go aliens, lol IT IS A UNIVERSAL ART GALLERY and Contest! I think it is actually a Universal competition , if you have seen the Hubble images even our Solar System may offer clues to this like the Sun, Moon , eclipses Jupiter and Saturn , they are very capable of setting up huge works of functional art. We humans have Fireworks , I'll bet that some of these Fireworks Displays out there are purposely being made by Aliens using Physics , it may be some of them are so good they create Galaxies and they want us to see it all hiding in plane site . So perhaps we can set up a signal of sorts a laser show on the moon and see what happens that also projects the best of Hubble imagery , perhaps visible from earth . CE-5 indeed seeing the forest through the trees , yes I have seen them the real deal but that is another story Peace and best regards Rob Blessin3/8/2021
Happy Birthday to me , avoiding death’s clutches for another year . I'm looking at my bathroom space and honestly it scares me at this point . What the hell , when the pharmacist sends you 3 months of prescriptions at a time, you begin to wonder..... Embrel for Arthritis, Hydroxizene this stuff is for Anxiety and Sleep but you wind up tripping lol highly recommend for lucid dreams, Ibuprofen , what the heck they sent me 600Mb tablets , I have enough to support an army of people in pain , Tramadol ,these help with more pain , Metformin for Diabetes the Glimipiride , I think this stuff makes unicorns fly out of the butt , not to mention stuff like suppositories for hemorrhoids . I'm a huge dude at this point and these bloody tiny things , I'm supposed to guide past the massively huge buns and find the frigging target . I ran out of a few Walgreens and such trying describe the situation to helpers, asking if they had some kind of blow dart , beer butt bong deal for inserting this tiny stupid thing where it needs to go as I'm a really big guy . Security lol oh and they also bend you over on pricing like $200 for 20, just tell them hell no and so a pharmacist had mercy said try Preparation H $6.96 for the hemorrhoids and it has a guide of sorts to help hit the death star. Stool softener because all of the above stuff makes going to the bathroom an adventure, never quite sure what is going to happen . To be blunt you can't trust a fart any more at age 58 , oh a half dozen or more medicines, antibiotics, pain cremes. So avoid Capsaicin like the plaque this has to be the worst product on planet earth, some idiots decided lets take the chili pepper and extract pure hell pain level ten then form it into a medication as a cure for pain. The idea was to shock the pain receptors with so much pain it over whelms them WTF , it does not say that on the label. . So now where ever you have applied it, it is as though the Devil himself has set you on fire but it gets worse , if it is on your hands and you wipe the sweat from your brow , it gets in your eyes now you are stumbling blind and your private parts , pray for forgiveness , oh water makes it worse now everything is beat bloody red and if you have any open cuts you howl, the neighbors 3 doors down may think it is bdsm or monsters and zombies must be on the loose from the screams of pain , for 4 to 6 god damn hours. Oh and the pain is still there ...... Truth try Insta Flex Creme no smell, no pain , instant relief AMAZING. I'm told these are diabetic blisters , I now have them on my elbows and knees and face and my feet so yeah I have the cremes , I ain't going down yet man , the stupid things take so long to heal , all of a sudden they will itch and I'll get after them again, I've gone through several courses of antibiotics but you know what works pretty good is honey . I go through boxes of Kleenex , band-aids and masks , I have a C pap machine for sleep apnia and portable oxygen to help breath. Simvistatin to keep from having a heart attack . Now I have another loose molar and rather than a root canal I may have them pull it and just do implants, the second one . Hey I brush my teeth, floss and gargle daily and shower daily. I never smoked cigarettes and it seemed I felt better smoking weed back in the day ; Throat sprays and Ricolas , indigestion pondering if I should try CDB's. I have massagers and contraptions a plenty for healing from infomercials some serious kook devices, I need a vacation, it has been 7 years and well I have not had a haircut in awhile , I'm conscious of the sores on my face, so the long hair covers it all , it sucks and one finally popped carnage. Pneumonia trashed my lungs , I think it was covid and I still have symptoms , so the vaccine , I'm going to do the Johnson and Johnson , one shot verse 2 . Holistic , herbs and vitamins out the wazoo daily , I do the stretches and meditation and listen to binaural Beats whilst sleeping and to enhance my calmness . Pondering if I am allergic to my cats , Covid Cabin Fever I tell ya . Above all I suffer from an Ailment called aging . I don't know what all of the above means exactly but I got it off my chest and I am trying to right this ship. I appreciate all of your Birthday Well Wishes , now to start another trip around the sun , I want my freedom back peace to you all , life is not so bad heck I have a lot of positive stuff to look forward to as I navigate this life shit storm, Covid be Damned ! Best Regards Rob Blessin I'm having a healthy breakfast as we speak with an Apple, Orange Juice , Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg Crossant with little green Chili , back to bed Aspirin and water ..... I didn't even drink alcohol , the hot tub is always awesome mic drop.3/29/2021
Powerball Sum Sort reveals location of town Lutz Florida outside Tampa Bay where the 238 Million Dollar Powerball winner is , we do not know who yet.:) Please Google Powerball winner Lutz Florida 3/27/2021, I'm on to something. I got put onto looking for this when powerball stats lined up saying rd mean , research and development the "Mean" of the drawings, no worries I'm on it and I am not crazy.4/9/2021
Things have been in turmoil at the Black Hole, so Lisa and her army of personalities descended into the basement where I store a lot of the NeXT equipment.
If this wasn't a crazy enough story already , lol, WOZ checks into the Black hole....
From: Steve Wozniak
Powerball , what are the odds that by chance , the powerball in drawn order, spells out WOZ according to the decoder on 4/17/2021 , oh and I now own a NeXT NITRO, thank you Mike P. Then a few days later WOZ's friend Nick is buying a NeXT Cube. Nick from and the eviction is moving forward.