LogoSoftwareBlack Hole, Incorporated

Foundation Icon Foundation Classes 2.1
An Indispensable Suite of Industrial-Strength Software Components

Time-tested in Lighthouse Design's own commercial applications, as well as by independent consultants, The Classes provide a safe and reliable opportunity to save development time and money in deploying in-house mission-critical applications.

For corporate developers transitioning from mainframes or Microsoft Windows to object-oriented programming, The Classes offer an immediate return on that investment: reusability of well-tested code. The Classes ship in every Lighthouse Design commercial application-and are therefore among the safest ObjectWare available for NEXTSTEP.

Leveraging years of Lighthouse Design's experience and quality assurance, The Classes provide a well-documented library of Objective-C data structures, string handling and error classes.

The Classes are appropriate for a wide variety of development tasks and are in use by object-oriented developers in the financial services, telecommunications, retail, health care, and defense industries.

If you're looking to ship custom applications on-time and on-budget, The Classes will be an invaluable addition to your arsenal of developer tools.

Price: $695 (binary version)

Yes - Motorola
Yes - Intel
Yes - OpenStep Committed

Lighthouse Design, Ltd

Comments and questions: email bhi1@ix.netcom.com

Copyright 2020 Black Hole, Incorporated, all rights reserved.
Design and layout by Rob Blessin and Antoine Valot.

Friday, 12-Sep-2003 02:00:00 CDT