Daydream 2.11
Daydream customers work with the Macintosh graphical user interface through
the Macintosh Desktop and Finder, and the features of Apples System 7. This
includes Aliases, TrueType, publish-and-subscribe, AppleEvents, Balloon Help,
QuickDraw, 32-bit addressing, File Sharing and MS-DOS support. QUIX's approach with Daydream leverages both the underlying NeXT
workstation performance capabilities and superior application compatibility.
This is accomplished through the adaption of hardware-dependent parts of the
Apple System Software.
By using existing device drivers, the Daydream architecture also supports
pheripheral devices, allowing access to Macintosh-formatted floppies, CD-ROMs,
removables, optical disk drives, modems and the NeXT LASER PRINTER. Full
Ethernet networking capability is provided.
Brings the Functionality and Ease-of-Use of the Macintosh Operating System to NeXT Computers
Daydream demonstrates QUIX's committment to supply bug-free Macintosh compatibility on additional platforms. For a long time, NeXT customers have demanded access
to high quality, low-cost productivity applications - Daydream now
satisfies this requirement.
OpenStep Committed
QUIX Computerware
Copyright 2020 Black Hole, Incorporated,
all rights reserved.
Design and layout by Rob Blessin and Antoine Valot.
Friday, 12-Sep-2003 02:00:00 CDT